DUOnex™ is Paloma's 2-unit Tankless System. Run your Paloma Tankless SOLO, or combine two units together for a Tankless DUO with 2 times the performance. To run Palomas in DUO Mode, simply connect the units with a DUOnex™ Cable and flip a switch. With DUOnex™, it's easy to create the right solution for every lifestyle.

Find out about DUOnex™ hot-water performance with our comparison chart below.

Performance Standards
0.48 Department of Energy, Energy Factor 0.82
116 - 135 gallons "First Hour" Hot Water 525 gallons
Morning Shower Hour
Shower after shower (60 minutes)
Shower after shower (30 minutes)
2 simultaneous 20-minute showers
2 simultaneous 30-minute showers
3 simultaneous 7-minute showers
3 simultaneous 20-minute showers
Bath Time
Fill 60-gallon tub
Take a shower immediately after filling
60-gallon tub
Fill large 140-gallon whirlpool tub
Multi-Head Shower System (11 gpm)
10-minute shower
Continuous Showering
Multiple Applications
Dishwasher + Washing Machine + Dishwashing
Dishwasher + Washing Machine
Dishwasher + Dishwashing
Shower + Dishwasher + Washing Machine
Environmental Impact
Constant Use of Gas
Uses Gas Only When You Need It
Small, Compact Design
Optional 12-Year Warranty Standard
Variable Temperatures
Change Temperature at Unit
Remote Control(s) Around House
to Change Temperature
Bath Controller to Help Prevent Scalding

The ICAD is a sophisticated system that monitors and optimizes combustion in the firing chamber, providing protection against Carbon Monoxide.
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Sae up to $300 Home Energy Improvement Tax Credit
Everyone claims that their product is greener but few take the next step. Paloma is taking that step; we're seeking a solution to a serious and difficult issue. Paloma is ready to meet the challenge.
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With any water heater, the trick is to make certain that you don't run out of hot water. View a complete comparison of features and benefits. Learn more.
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